Interview with Andy Weir, author of The Martian now up on The Maker Mom

When you fangirl in public, sometimes others hear! My friend Kim Moldofsky of knew I was a big fan of the book The Martian and offered me the opportunity to interview author Andy Weir for her site. I was thrilled with the chance, and after some mayhem and mishaps of scheduling (which I’ll tell you about sometime) I was able to talk with Andy for a while and get his perspective on science fiction writing, STEM careers and fields, growing up a nerd in the 70s (spoiler: Andy Weir and I are exactly the same age and our parents were equally geeky. We had fun trading notes about our first computer exposure, our first computer program, that sort of thing.)


At any rate, hop on over to to check out my interview with Andy Weir. (and below see one of several of the posters I made to accompany the article. Kim could only use one so you get the others!)


Andy Weir Advance Society quote

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