Karen T. Smith, Freelance Writer

I am a freelance writer based in the far west Chicago suburbs. My background is in technology design, project management, and implementation of software solutions. I have an undergraduate degree in Cognitive Science and a MS in Computer Science, both from Northwestern University. I’m keenly interested in all things at the intersection of technology and humanity, and am particularly passionate about getting kids interested in technology and learning more about tech-based and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) careers.

I volunteer as a breastfeeding support provider and write about parenting topics with an emphasis on supportive and respectful relationships between parents and children. I have extensive experience with parenting gifted children and the scars to prove it. I love writing on the subject of gifted children in today’s world, in particular the good, the bad, the hard, the exhausting, and the extreme joys that come with parenting these unusual kids.

Other topics of interest include healthcare, aging parents, family travel (Europe, specifically), introverts, vegetarian lifestyles, native/natural gardening, and growing/canning/eating your own food.

Some relevant writing samples:

An Interview with Andy Weir, author of The Martian – The Maker Mom

In Defense of Sparkle Science – New York Times The Motherlode

The Shape of Motherhood – New Beginnings Magazine

The Motherhood Survival Guide – New Beginnings Magazine

Why is my gifted child so anxious all the time? – Da Vinci Academy blog (uncredited)

I am a regular contributor (every other Saturday) to The Prosers writing blog.

I am a staff editor for the online professional short fiction magazine Flash Fiction Online, and occasionally contribute to their blog.

I have written for and been featured on One Laptop Per Child News, a site dedicated to tracking progress of Nick Negroponte’s OLPC initiative.

I served as Contributing Editor for the Toddler Tips column of La Leche League International’s New Beginnings Magazine from 2008-2010.

To see more about my fiction, please see my Karen T. Smith, Author page on this blog or Facebook.